Have you ever failed to find that excellent website or lesson you came across when you need it most. Symbaloo is the answer. Symbaloo can be linked to your google account. It is free and it allows you to “social bookmark” websites giving you the option to create a nice graphic icon to easily tag your site. I have shared my Physical Activity webmix which contains many sites with loads of ideas. I have used this and only this in teaching PE as I feel less is more when you are trying to correlate your ideas for a session of lesson plan. I hope you enjoy. This webmix will be added to in due course but now is your chance to get organised.

PALM stands for Physical Activity and Locomotive Movement. This Blog is presented from PALM Ireland. It is dedicated to the development of ideas and activities around play, physical activity, Fundamental Movement Skills and both locomotive and non locomotive movement. Some Sports Specific Skills included also! PALM_Ireland uses symbaloo too organize its favourites.
Physical Activity Symbaloo Webmix
PALM_Ireland uses symbaloo too organize its favourites. We will discuss some of these in greater detail as we move on but for now feel free to browse our webmix below. To learn more about Symbaloo check out the first website post in April 2018
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